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Image by Rob Laughter

What is KZamore Enterprise

It is the Parent Company of KZamore Entertainment and The Zamore Foundation tm. The Enterprise brings awareness to social issues through Awareness, Education, and Empowerment using various forms to includes workshops and creative arts

Film Reels

What does KZamore Entertainment Do?

KZE began in Bitburg Germany in 1996. Kerry-Ann Zamore began writing and producing original stage plays which focuses on bringing awareness to social issues to diverse communities. In 2016, the company relaunched in Killeen Texas and added short and feature films bringing awareness, and education about multiple social issues affecting diverse communities

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What does The Zamore Foundation 501 c3 do?

The Foundation is a nonprofit organization that specializes in Fundraising and Resource Building, Community Organizing to build Collaborative opportunities with local, state, federal, and private entities and to develop Educational Workshops to include Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Healthy Living Seminars, Cancer Awareness, Food Desert Awareness/Planning for Marginalized Populations, Career Preparation, and Faith-based life coaching.


The mission is to bring diverse communities together through social education, awareness, empowerment and philanthropic opportunities to strengthen families, and improve outcomes for communities through resource development, creative expression through innovative collaboration.

On Stage


Our vision is to engage public and private partners to provide necessary resources to help assist in building stronger families and communities through collaboration, education, awareness   

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